Importing your book of business (BOB) is paramount to quickly getting your agency up and running. With your data in AMS+, you can set up and process commissions, create automated workflows and email campaigns, build reports, and more. To import your BOB, please compile your data in Excel files, and sign up for a Data Import Q&A Workshop on the AgencyBloc Academy events page.
Do you want to import Sales Records? Refer to this article.
Are you looking to import commission entries? Refer to this article.
Compile your data
Prepare your data
Getting started with field mapping
Import templates
Import your data
Clean up duplicates
Common questions
Compile your data
Your BOB can come from the following locations:
- Export from current software. Export your data from your current software as Excel files. You may need to work with your software vendors to obtain this data.
- Internal Excel spreadsheets. Combine your Excel files, when possible.
- Carrier commission statements. Obtain statements as far back as you wish from each of the carriers. Then, combine them in Excel.
- Run Standard Reports in AMS+: If you want to mass update existing records, use Standard Reports to export the data you want to update.
Prepare your data
During the import process, you'll need to map fields in your import file to the corresponding fields in AMS+. Our system supports over 200 standard AMS+ fields, and if a specific field is unavailable, you can add custom fields to your account as needed.
Prepare your data
- Make sure all the data in your import file is accurate and organized.
Check for grammatical and spelling errors.
- Align your data format.
- If you're not using one of our import templates, confirm that your file aligns with AMS+ data formatting requirements. For detailed guidance, watch the “Preparing a file for import” video.
Check custom fields
- If your file includes custom fields, confirm these fields already exist in AMS+. The import process maps only to existing custom fields and does not create new ones. Refer to this article for instructions on adding custom fields.
Review import process materials
- Enroll in our data import training course and familiarize yourself with all import guidelines and potential risks.
Run a test import
- Before importing a large file, practice with a small test file to ensure the import and revert processes function as expected.
Note: As soon as you notice an issue or problem that you don’t understand, DO NOT proceed! Please reach out to our Support Team immediately for assistance.
Watch the video below for more information on how to properly format your headers and fields and general best practices.
Preparing a file for Import (4:54)
Import templates
We have seven import templates with preset fields for mapping your data to AMS+. Please use these templates to prepare your data for import. You will need to be logged in to download these templates.
- Individuals with Policies (.csv) - Mass associate Policy Records with Individual Records.
- Groups with Policies (.csv) - Mass associate Policy Records with Group Records.
- Groups with Individuals (.csv) - Mass associate Individual Records with Group Records.
- Group Leads (.csv) - Mass create Group Records.
- Individual Leads (.csv) - Mass creates new Individual Records, but to add leads to your account, please use the Leads Import tool. Learn more.
- Agents (.csv) - Mass create Agent Records.
- Full Import File (.csv) - Do not use! For reference only
Import your data
Once you’ve compiled and prepared your data into a template, sign up for a Data Import Q&A Workshop on the AgencyBloc Academy Events page. Whether it’s your first time importing data into AMS+ or you need a refresher, this 60-minute group training session covers everything you need to know to get started and includes live Q&A.
If you would prefer to learn at your own pace, visit our step-by-step data import training course. You can take breaks at any time and pick up where you left off.
1) Import Data
In the Import Data step, you'll upload your import file to AMS+. Please make sure that the file is in CSV format.
To get started:
- Select and upload a CSV file to import.
- We strongly recommend using one of our import templates or adjusting your CSV file to match the template format.
- If your CSV file has a header row (typically Row A), leave the ‘Has header row’ box checked. If there is no header row, uncheck this box.
- If your CSV file includes any columns for custom fields, check the ‘Include Custom Fields’ box. If there are no custom fields, skip this step.
- Ignore and skip saved mapping.
- This setting is not working properly and could cause issues in your import.
- Select the ‘Upload File’ button to proceed to Step 2: Map Your File.
2) Map Your File
In the Map Your File step, AMS+ will pull in the column header row and the first two rows and compare them to the corresponding AgencyBloc system fields. This preview ensures that the data in your CSV file goes to the right places in AMS+.
You’ll want to review the data fields in the "Column Title" column and map them to the corresponding fields in the "AgencyBloc System Field" column. If you’re using one of our templates, the fields will map automatically.
For non-template files or files with custom fields, review and manually map any unmapped fields.
- Review the AgencyBloc System Field column on this page, and make sure that your CSV file columns are matched up to an existing AgencyBloc System Field.
- Look for anywhere it says “Select One”. This means that we didn’t find a match and the column will be skipped.
- If your CSV file includes any custom fields, double check and make sure they’re formatted correctly and match exactly with existing custom fields in the system.
- Select the ‘Set Column Mapping’ button to proceed to Step 3: Matching Criteria.
If you make a mistake, select the ‘Start Over’ button. Please note that you will need to re-import the CSV file, but this can help if you encounter errors during the field mapping process.
You also have the option to save the mapping if you plan on using it again for future imports.
3) Matching Criteria
In the Matching Criteria step, you'll see a list of fields used to match the data in your CSV file with AMS+. If a match is found, existing records will be updated. If no match is found, new records will be created.
Policy Fields | Carrier Fields | Agency Fields | Agent Fields | Individual Fields |
- Policy Number - Policy Coverage Type - Policy Status - Policy Effective Date |
- Carrier Name | - Agency Name | - Agent First Name - Agent Last Name - Agent Middle Name - Agent SSN - Agent Date of Birth - Agent Number |
- Individual First Name - Individual Last Name - Individual Middle Name - Individual Date of Birth - Individual SSN - Individual Type |
Updating matching criteria is rarely necessary, and in most cases, you can proceed to the next step. However, if you're importing records with variations in names—such as "Jr." and "Sr."—adding the date of birth (DOB) can improve accuracy.
When ready, select the ‘Set Matching Criteria’ button to proceed to Step 4: Import Summary.
4) Import Summary
The Import Summary step displays three sections: Import Messages, Summary, and Rows Not Imported. Each section highlights the expected outcomes for your imported CSV file.
We recommend keeping the imported file open on your computer while reviewing these sections. Compare the data in your file with the messages in each section to identify any discrepancies.
Once you've reviewed the summary, you can either perform a new import or view the import history.
Import Messages
This section provides technical details on what happened during the import process, including messages that explain why specific fields weren’t updated.
This section shows counts for how many records were updated or created during the import process. Compare your CSV file against what you expect to see in the summary.
Did you expect you would be updating half of the Individual Records in your file, for example, and creating new Individual Records in your file? If so, are you seeing those events reflected in the import summary?
Ex: If you already had a Carrier Record in your AMS+ account that is formatted as UnitedHealthcare but you added another that has a space in the middle, United Healthcare, it will create a new Carrier Record instead of updating the existing one. The system will think they’re two separate Carriers when they’re really the same.
Rows Not Imported
This section lists any rows that were skipped during the import process. Ideally, this section should always be blank.
The most common cause of skipped rows is an incorrect date format. Make sure that dates are formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, or the entire row will be skipped.
If the date format is correct but rows are still skipped, take a screenshot of the error message and email it to our Support Team at help@agencybloc.com for assistance.
(Optional) Mass update existing data
Our data import tool is mainly used to create new Servicing records (i.e., Agent, Group, Individual, and Policy), but it can also update existing ones. When updating records, only update fields relevant to the report type. Different reports contain different data—for example, policy reports don’t include Individual IDs, and individual reports don’t include Policy IDs. Using the wrong report can lead to errors or missing information.
For example:
- If you're using a policy report, only update policy-related fields.
- If you're using an individual report, only update individual-related fields.
- The same applies to group reports, etc.
Before starting, make sure the headers in your Excel file are formatted correctly. For detailed guidance, watch the “Preparing a file for import” video or attend our Data Import Q&A Workshop.
- Run the applicable Standard Report to download the data you want to update into an Excel file.
- Only update data for the record type associated with the report. For example, if you are using an Individual Report, update only Individual Record data, not policy-related data.
- Make the necessary changes to the report’s Excel file.
- Do not remove Column A from the Excel file. This column contains a unique AgencyBloc identifier (e.g., Individual ID, Policy ID, Group ID) for the record you're updating.
- Format the headers in the report’s Excel file.
- Import the report Excel file back into AMS+.
- Follow the same instructions outlined in this section to complete the process.
Clean up duplicates
After completing an import, review your data for errors.
- Spot check your data for typos and misspellings.
- Use Advanced Search to double check the specific records that you imported, and double check your counts.
- Go into a few of each type of created record (Group, Individual, Policy, Agent etc. and check all of the fields you expect to be populated.
- Check and merge duplicate records.
- Be sure to carefully review Carriers and Carrier Products if they are part of your import. If duplicates are created, our Support Team will need to assist with merging them.
- Note that specific permissions are required to merge records. Learn more about merging duplicate Agents, Groups, and Individuals.
- Policies can’t be merged, so thoroughly check for duplicate Policies. If duplicates are found, consider reverting the import and reevaluating the data before moving forward.
- Revert if needed
- Revert within 5 days. The more time that passes, the more risk there is of things changing.
- Revert in reverse chronological order.
Best practice: Perform imports at the end of the day after all your agents have logged out. This minimizes the risk of changes being made before you've had a chance to test the data, verify that everything was imported correctly, or revert changes if necessary.
Common questions
I feel comfortable with this content, how do I get started?
Attend the Data Import Q&A Workshop or contact our Support Team for a link to the BOB Data Import page.
Are there any fees associated with importing data into my account?
Yes, there are fees associated with professional data cleanup and custom imports.
How do you format the template if my client has more than one policy?
See templates for outlines on formatting.