Carriers are a record type for storing and tracking basic carrier and product information, forms, and web credentials. You need carrier records to create and track policies, and process commissions in AMS+. Learn more about carrier records in this article.
Creating carriers
There are many different ways to create carriers in AMS+, including data imports, lead forms, and API.
Carriers are commonly created using the +New button found at the top of any page, and the ‘New Carrier’ button from the Carriers page.
Deleting carriers
A carrier can’t be deleted when it is associated to:
- Policies. We recommend reviewing the associated policies to determine whether the carrier can be deleted.
- Commission records. We recommend reviewing the associated commission records to determine whether the carrier can be deleted.
- Agent contracts. We recommend reviewing the associated agent contracts to determine whether the carrier can be deleted.
- Incomplete activities.
Hiding carriers
When a carrier is in use, you can't delete it. However, you can change its status from "Active" to "Inactive". While inactive, the carrier will be hidden from new policy setup screens.
If you are no longer contracted with the carrier, it goes out of business, or it stops offering products that your clients need, this method allows you to prevent others from using it to create new policies. Please note, this will not affect anything on existing policies.
Merging duplicate carriers
Duplicate carriers typically come from data imports. If a carrier is listed multiple times in the import file, the import could create duplicates in AMS+.
Instead of going into every duplicate carrier and deleting them, we have a merge tool that could save you time. Just tell us which ones are duplicates and which one is the master. We’ll take care of the rest.
For help merging duplicate carriers, please contact the Client Success Team at help@agencybloc.com.
Data tracked by carriers
- Carrier Detail - Store name and contact information specific to the carrier. Create custom fields to track data unique to your agency and customize the options in dropdown menus.
- Individuals - Add/associate individuals to indicate their connection to the carrier. Individuals are typically associated to carriers to track carrier contacts.
- Activities - A list of assigned to-dos and reminders that are related to the carrier or its associated individuals. On this tab, you can create activities to assign actionable to-dos to agents and others at your agency. Activities also serve as a source of historical data because they cannot be altered or deleted.
- Forms - Upload and store forms that are commonly used by carriers to track the form name, year, and coverage type.
- Products - Create and track the carrier's products. Products can be associated to policy coverages.
- Websites - Save the carrier portals, create clickable URL links, and store username/password for quick reference and website access.
- Notes & Attachments - This tab shows notes or attachments associated to the group. When you create a note, you’ll see a “Pin Note” option. Pinned notes appear in the carrier summary. Pin notes to track important information.
- Emails - This tab shows emails that were associated, moved or copied to the carrier.
- Carrier Summary - Shows the carrier’s contact information, websites, in-force policies, open activities, and pinned notes.
Uses in other features
- Individuals - associate individuals to track carrier contacts.
- Agents - specify the carrier on an agent’s contract.
- Policies - all policies must be associated to a carrier. This is key for running reports and processing commissions.
- Reports - run reports to download comprehensive data on your carriers.