This import updates existing Agent Contracts in your AMS+ account.
Preparing for import
Running the Agent Contract import
Matching criteria
Import summary
Importable fields
Preparing for import
This import only updates existing Agent Contracts and does not create new ones. To prepare for the import, download the import’s template file and fill it out.
Do not modify the template’s column headers. They must match the template file layout exactly. Any changes to the headers will cause the import to fail.
You must belong to a Security Group with the ‘Visible‘ Reports Permission to run the Agent Contracts report. You also need the ‘Manage Data & Custom Fields‘ Administrative Permission to download the import’s template file.
Running the Agent Contract import
You must belong to a Security Group with the ‘Manage Data & Custom Fields‘ Administrative Permission to run the import.
If you haven’t already, follow the instructions in the Preparing for import section of this article to download and fill out the template file. Alternatively, you can do this during the import process.
When you’re ready to run the import:
- Go to the Settings > Servicing > Data Utilities > Agent Contract Import page.
- Download the template file and fill it out.
Do not modify the template’s column headers. They must match the template file layout exactly. Any changes to the headers will cause the import to fail.
- Select the ‘Choose File’ button and upload the template file from your computer.
- Select the ‘Import’ button.
AMS+ will attempt to match your template file data to existing Agents and Agent Contracts in your account. When matches are found, it will update the Agent Contracts.
After the process is complete, an import summary will display the total number of successfully imported rows, as well as any skipped rows and the reasons for skipping them.
Matching criteria
To successfully match and update existing Agent Contracts, this import process relies on specific fields. Agents are matched using their First Name, Last Name, and NPN, while Agent Contracts are matched based on the Carrier. Rows in the template file will not import if those fields are not populated.
In addition, the Contract ID column on the import template is optional, but if populated, it helps identify the specific contract for updates by matching the Contract ID along with the Agent and Carrier. If left blank, AMS+ will default to matching byAgent and Carrier only. Each row is evaluated individually to ensure accurate updates.
When all required fields are populated and a single match is found, AMS+ will update the Agent Contract based on the values in populated fields only. Empty cells are ignored, and rows are skipped if the Contract Status doesn’t match any existing statuses in your account.
Rows will be skipped for the following reasons:
- Missing required field
- No matching Agent found
- No matching Carrier found
- No matching Agent Contract found
- Multiple matching Agent Contracts for the same Carrier found
- Contract Status does not exist
Import summary
When an import is successful, a summary detailing the total number of records updated, as well as a list of all skipped rows, will display.
Note: The row numbering is off by 1. For instance, Row 1 corresponds to Row 2 in the template file due to the column headers occupying Row 1.
You can reference the import history page to see previous import files and summaries.
The import type for these imports will be listed as “Agent Contract Update Import” on the Import History page.
If you make a mistake and need to revert an import, contact our Customer Support Team at help@agencybloc.com or 866-338-7075 for assistance.
Importable fields
The following Agent Contract data points can be mass updated through this import.
- Contract Status
- Updates existing Contract Statuses only; does not create new ones
- Contract Date
- Contract Agent Number 1
- Contract Agent Number 2
- Contract Agent Number 3
- Agent State
- This should be populated as a comma separated list
- If CSV field is not blank, AMS+ will clear out the field’s existing data and populate it with value(s) from the CSV field
- Termination Date
- Termination Reason
- Notes
- Agent Contract Custom Fields
- Custom Fields can be added after the last column in the CSV file. The system will try to match the field data in the CSV file to existing Agent Contract Custom Fields in your AMS+ account. If a match isn’t found, the import will not run.
The import uses the following fields for matching criteria. It does not update or create them.
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Carrier Name