In October, we added ACA Attestation Forms for Sales Records and made some SOA enhancements, which including adding SOAs to Individual Records.
10/10/2024 - New ACA Attestation Forms and SOA Enhancements
10/1/2024 - Scope of Appointments added to Individual Records
Send Scope of Appointment forms to Individual Records
New Consent tabs on Individual and Sales Records
10/10/2024 - New ACA Attestation Forms and SOA Enhancements
ACA Attestation Forms
With this update, you can now generate electronic ACA Attestation Forms directly from Sales Records. To learn more on how to set up ACA Attestation Forms, visit this article.
SOA Enhancements
You can now add or edit the plans discussed and appointment date fields after a contact has signed the Scope of Appointment (SOA) form. This applies to SOAs for both Sales Records and Individual Records.
10/1/2024 - Scope of Appointments added to Individual Records
Send Scope of Appointment forms to Individual Records
With this update, you can now send Scope of Appointment forms to Individual Records. In addition, unsigned Scope of Appointment forms will appear on the Sales Dashboard. Learn more.
New Consent tabs on Individual and Sales Records
Before this update, Scope of Appointment and ACA Consent Forms were tracked on the Notes tab of Sales Records. To separate those forms from other notes, we added a new Consent tab to Individual and Sales Records. Signed and unsigned forms will display on this tab