The AMS+ Calendar is a tool to help you visualize and track activities across your agency. The calendar can also help with scheduling as you and your teams plan out activities for each month/week/day. Activities are for tracking follow-ups or tasks related to clients, agents, carriers, and policies. Learn how to set up and use the calendar in this article.
Prefer to work your activities in a list format? Check out the Activities Dashboard.
Calendar setup
Check and set your time zone
How you view an activity’s start/end times on the calendar is based on your time zone. If your time zone in AMS+ differs from your current location, you may see activities on the calendar with incorrect start/end times. This is more noticeable when you view the activity start/end times more closely in the "week" and "day" views.
You can change your time zone in My Account > My Info.
Activity setup
By default, you will see activities assigned to everyone that you have permission to see on the calendar. If you want to see activities assigned to a team or others, you may need help from an administrator at your agency to adjust your user and team settings.
Set up a team to view and filter team activities
Useful for coordinating activities amongst your team. You must be assigned to the team in AMS+ to view its activities on the calendar. See the Managing Teams & Team Notifications article for setup info.
Adjust user settings to view and filter other users’ activities
Useful for administrators and office staff scheduling to-dos and follow-up reminders for agents and others at your agency. You must have View Other Users' Activities checkbox enabled in Profile & Settings > Users > Select & Edit User to add other users to your calendar. See the Managing Users article for setup info.
Using the calendar
Access the calendar from anywhere in AMS+ by clicking the calendar icon in the page header.
On the calendar, you will see all activities with due dates assigned to you. See the Activity setup section above if you want to view activities assigned to teams and others.
Change whose activities display on your calendar using the filters.
- Your activities - You will always have the option to display activities assigned to yourself on the calendar.
- Your team activities - Everyone on the team can see its assigned activities on the calendar, so you can quickly see at a glance if a team member has picked up an activity. See Managing Teams & Team Notifications article for team setup information.
- Other activities - This filter allows you to see activities are assigned to other users. See what is open and waiting to be picked up. This filter may be especially helpful if you’re a manager or you schedule appointments for agents. To add other users to your calendar, you may need assistance from someone with administrator permissions. See Managing Users article for setup information.
Shortcut keys
Tap any of these keys on your keyboard to quickly change month/week/day views and navigate through your calendar:
- T = today
- P = previous month/week/day
- N = next month/week/day
- M = month view
- W = week view
- D = day view
Common questions
How do we add an appointment that has nothing to do with a client? I.e. meeting with an insurance company for breakfast, attending a webinar, etc.
If you'd like to learn how to use our calendar sync in conjunction with the Appointment Scheduler, visit this article.
Why am I not seeing an activity on my calendar?
The activity may not have a due date, it may be past due, or it may have a due date that’s far out in the future.
Why am I seeing activities on my calendar?
Other people can create and assign them to you. They can be created by Automated Workflow.
Can I pull events and appointments from other calendars into AMS+?
No, but you can view your activities on a calendar outside of AMS+, such as Apple or Google Calendar, through Activities Calendar Feed.
Do you have a calendar integration with other calendars, like Google or Outlook?
Yes, your activities can be viewed in other calendars, like Google and Outlook, through an iCal feed. See the Activities Calendar Feed article for setup instructions. We do not, however, offer 2-way sync between third-party calendars and AMS+ Calendar.
How can I see other users' activities on my calendar?
You need certain permissions in user settings to be able to view other users' activities. You may need to contact an administrator at your agency for assistance.
How do I set up automated workflows to add activities to my calendar?
An activity displays on the calendar if it has a due date. If you want a workflow to add activities to your calendar, make sure the workflow action is set up include a Due Date Delay of at least ‘Same Day’. Do not leave at its default value of 'No Due Date'. See the Setting up Workflow Actions article for setup instructions.
Can you print out the calendar?
Yes, there is a print option in your browser file menu or you can use the keyboard shortcut - CTRL + P.
How will I be notified when an activity is due today or past due?
You can quickly check for activities are due today and past due by clicking the white activity tray icon in the application header. It will display a count of all open activities that are due today and past due. Clicking the icon will send you to the Dashboard where you can view the full list of activities.
You can also set up an activity workflow to email you when an activity’s due date is approaching.