Once you feel comfortable creating workflows, learn how to manage workflow details in this article. You can inactivate a workflow to temporarily stop it from triggering and archive workflows that you no longer need.
If you have a disabled campaign, see the Disabling and What to do article for more information on causes and prevention.
Workflow statuses
Inactivating a workflow
Archiving a workflow
Reactivating a workflow
Common questions
Workflow statuses
Manage your workflows by setting different statuses. A workflow will have one of the following statuses:
Draft - The workflow has been created but not yet activated.
Active - The workflow has been activated and will wait in the background for events to trigger it to perform actions.
Inactive - The workflow has been temporarily paused.
Archived - The workflow has been turned off and hidden from workflow lists.
Disabled - The workflow has been turned off due to a high spam or bounce rate. See the Disabling and What to do article for more about fixing a disabled workflow.
Inactivating a workflow
Inactivating a workflow pauses its triggers and stops it from sending emails and creating activities. Agencies typically inactivate workflows to make changes and reactivate later.
- Go to the Saved Workflow tab, then select the workflow you'd like to inactivate.
- From the workflow's Details tab, scroll down to below the criteria section of the workflow.
- Select "Inactivate" to pause the workflow.
Archiving a workflow
Archiving a workflow turns its triggers and actions off and hides it from workflow lists. Agencies typically archive workflows that have served their purpose and are no longer needed. Please note, archived workflows can be reactivated.
- Go to the Saved Workflow tab, then select the workflow you'd like to archive.
- From the workflow Details tab, scroll down to below the criteria section of the workflow
- Select "Archive" to inactivate and hide workflow from your workflow lists.
Reactivating a workflow
You can reactivate an inactive or archived workflow at any time. Keep in mind, when you reactivate the workflow, it will perform any actions that were previously triggered and scheduled before the workflow inactivated or archived.
Common questions
Are archived workflows automatically set as inactive, meaning they don't run?
Yep, archived workflows are automatically set as inactive and do not trigger or take actions.