Regulatory Compliance
Stay in compliance with Scope of Appointments and ACA Consent Forms.
How to set up and generate a Scope of Appointment (SOA)
Overview If your agency sells Medicare products, you must obtain a signed Scope of Appointment (SOA) at least 48 hours before any appointment that discusses Medicare plan option...
How to set up ACA Consent and Attestation Forms
Overview The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandates that life and health insurance brokers obtain a “consent to contact” before assisting with Marketplace plans...
How to generate ACA Consent and Attestation Forms
Overview The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandates that life and health insurance brokers obtain a “consent to contact” before assisting with Marketplace plans...
Understanding the ACA Attestation Requirements & How to Comply
What is the CMS ACA Attestation eligibility requirement? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a requirement that all health insurance agents must obtain an...