In April, we made some visual enhancements to Notes/Attachments and Commission permissions in Security Groups, and added Commission Transaction field options to Custom Reporting.
4/24/2023 - New Custom Reporting field options and visual enhancements to Notes/Attachments
4/10/2023 - Visual enhancements to Commission Permissions in Security Groups
4/24/2023 - New Custom Reporting field options and visual enhancements to Notes/Attachments
Custom Reporting
With this update, you can now add Commission Transaction field options to your custom reports.
Note: The Commission Transaction field options are available to the Commission report type and related options.
To modernize and improve the performance of Notes/Attachments, we reformatted the Notes/Attachments tab and grid and the file uploader interface for Agents, Agencies, Groups, Individuals, and Policies.
In this update:
- The Subject, Preview, Files Preview, Last Update Date, and Last Updated By columns were combined into two columns.
- File attachments now display in the grid with icons.
- The X icon in the Pinned Note space was replaced with a button labeled Unpin to clarify its purpose.
Notes/Attachments tab and grid - Before
Notes/Attachments tab and grid - After
Note: These screenshots were taken from the Carrier Notes/Attachments tab, which was updated in a previous release, but these changes affect Agents, Agencies, Groups, Individuals, and Policies.
The file uploader interface was modernized and now shows a progress bar when you save uploaded files.
File uploader interface - Before
File uploader interface - After
New progress bar
4/10/2023 - Visual enhancements to Commission permissions in Security Groups
Security Groups
The "Setup Payees & View Commission In Only" Commission permission grants limited access to AgencyBloc’s Commission features AND overrides all other Commission permissions. This behavior is not apparent and has caused confusion for clients that have enabled all the Commission permissions.
To improve clarity, we made a few aesthetic changes to the Commission permissions section. We did not change any functionality. All Commission permissions will continue to work the same as they always have.
- We grouped every Commission permission, except for “Setup Payees & View Commission In Only”, under a new category named “All Commission Permissions”.
- We put the “Setup Payees & View Commission In Only” permission into its own category and re-labeled it to “Limited to Commission Settings, Policy Commission Details, and Policy Commission Payees” for added clarity.
- Using this option will disable all other Commission permissions. If you want to switch back to “All Commission Permissions” later, please keep in mind that you will need to re-enable the appropriate permissions because they won't turn back on automatically.