Using Zapier, you can create new Individuals in AMS+ when something happens in a third-party app, or send Individual data to a third-party app when something happens in AMS+.
See what Individual data you can populate in AMS+ and what Individual data you can send to third-party apps.
Zap Actions
Zap Triggers
Zap Actions
Create Individual
Using the Create Individual Zap Action, you can create the full details of Individuals within your AMS+ account.
Field | Description | Formatting Rules |
First Name |
The first name of the new Individual.
- |
Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual.
- |
Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual. |
- |
Nickname | The nickname for the new Individual. | - |
Title |
The title of the new Individual. |
- |
Date of Birth |
The birth date of the new Individual. |
Gender |
The gender of the new Individual. |
Social Security Number |
The Social Security Number of the new Individual. |
- |
Driver's License Number |
The driver’s license number of the new Individual. |
- |
Deceased Date |
The deceased date of the new Individual. |
Type - Text |
The type of the new Individual.
Type - ID |
The ID of the new Individual’s type.
Status - Text |
The status of the new Individual.
Status - ID |
The ID of the new Individual’s status.
Medicare Beneficiary ID |
The Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBI) of the new Individual. |
- |
Medicare Effective Date Part A |
The Medicare Part A Effective Date of the new Individual. |
Medicare Effective Date Part B |
The Medicare Part B Effective Date of the new Individual. |
Smoker Status |
The smoker/tobacco status for an Individual. |
Servicing Agent - First Name |
The first name of the new Individual’s servicing agent.
Servicing Agent - Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual’s servicing agent.
Servicing Agent - Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual’s servicing agent.
Servicing Agent - ID |
The ID of the servicing agent within AMS+ that is assigned to the new Individual. This value will be used to display the “Servicing Agent” in the “Individual Detail” section.
Additional Agent 1 - First Name |
The first name of the new Individual’s additional agent 1.
Additional Agent 1 - Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual’s additional agent 1.
Additional Agent 1 - Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual’s additional agent 1.
Additional Agent 1 - ID |
The ID of the additional agent 1 within AMS+ that is assigned to the new Individual. This value will be used to display the “Additional Agent 1” in the “Individual Detail” section.
Additional Agent 2 - First Name |
The first name of the new Individual’s additional agent 2.
Additional Agent 2 - Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual’s additional agent 2.
Additional Agent 2 - Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual’s additional agent 2.
Additional Agent 2 - ID |
The ID of the additional agent 2 within AMS+ that is assigned to the new Individual. This value will be used to display the “Additional Agent 2” in the “Individual Detail” section.
Additional Agent 3 - First Name |
The first name of the new Individual’s additional agent 3.
Additional Agent 3 - Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual’s additional agent 3.
Additional Agent 3 - Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual’s additional agent 3.
Additional Agent 3 - ID |
The ID of the additional agent 3 within AMS+ that is assigned to the new Individual. This value will be used to display the “Additional Agent 3” in the “Individual Detail” section.
Home Phone Number |
Home Phone Number Ext. |
Business Phone Number |
The business phone number of the new Individual. |
Business Phone Number Ext. |
The business phone number extension of the new Individual. |
Cell Phone Number |
Cell Phone Number Ext. |
Fax Number |
The fax phone number of the new Individual. |
Fax Number Ext. |
The fax phone number extension of the new Individual. |
Address Type |
The address type of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section.
Is Primary Address |
The primary address status of the new Individual’s address type, “Yes” or “No”.
Address Street 1 |
The first line of the address of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
- |
Address Street 2 |
The second line of the address of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
- |
City |
The city of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
- |
County |
The county of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
- |
State/Province |
The state abbreviation of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
- |
Zip Code |
The zip code of the new Individual. This value will be displayed in the “Contact Information” section. |
Email Address |
The email address of the new Individual. |
- |
Secondary Email Address |
The secondary email address of the new Individual. |
- |
Opt-Out of Emails |
The email opt-out status of the new Individual. |
Lead Date |
The lead date of the new Individual. |
Lead Source - Text |
The lead source of the new Individual.
Lead Source - ID |
The ID of the new Individual’s lead source.
Other Lead Source |
The other lead source of the new Individual. |
- |
Lead Agent/Affiliate - First Name |
The first name of the new Individual’s lead agent/affiliate.
Lead Agent/Affiliate - Last Name |
The last name of the new Individual’s lead agent/affiliate.
Lead Agent/Affiliate - Middle Name |
The middle name of the new Individual’s lead agent/affiliate.
Lead Agent/Affiliate - ID |
The ID of the lead agent/affiliate within AMS+ that is assigned to the new Individual. This value will be used to display the “Lead Agent/Affiliate” in the “Individual Detail” section.
Project Code - Text |
The project code of the new Individual.
Project Code - ID |
The ID of the new Individual’s project code.
Custom Fields
You will also have the option to map data from third-party apps to active Individual Custom Fields in your AMS+ account.
You may have up to 25 custom fields. If you need more than 25, contact the Client Success Team for assistance. These fields will appear in the same order as they do in AMS+.
Zap Triggers
Individual Created & Individual Updated
Here’s an example of the data payloads that we will send out for both of the AgencyBloc app’s triggers (Individual Created and Individual Updated):
"create_date_time": "2021-09-16T15:47:25",
"create_by_user": {
"id": 13650,
"first_name": "Zap",
"last_name": "Smith"
"update_date_time": "2021-10-04T09:52:59",
"update_by_user": {
"id": 13650,
"first_name": "Zap",
"last_name": "Smith"
"id": 31377283,
"personal_info": {
"first_name": "James",
"middle_name": "Samuel",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"nickname": "Sam",
"title": "Business Owner",
"dob": "1954-05-11T00:00:00",
"gender": "M",
"ssn": "098-76-5432",
"drivers_license": "1234XX67",
"deceased_date": "1954-05-11T00:00:00"
"client_info": {
"type": {
"id": 3088782,
"value": "Client"
"status": {
"id": 3088781,
"value": "Enrolled"
"medicare_id": "34678909876543",
"medicare_beneficiary_id": "3123546787654",
"medicare_effective_date_part_a": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
"medicare_effective_date_part_b": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
"smoker_status": "No",
"servicing_agent": {
"agent_id": 3857767,
"first_name": "Zap",
"last_name": "Smith",
"middle_name": "Wayne",
"detail_url": "Zapier/agent/detail/3857767"
"additional_agent1": {
"agent_id": 3857776,
"first_name": "Blake",
"last_name": "Danielson",
"middle_name": "Jeffery",
"detail_url": "Zapier/agent/detail/3857776"
"additional_agent2": {
"agent_id": 3857773,
"first_name": "Jessica",
"last_name": "Reese",
"middle_name": "Mary",
"detail_url": "Zapier/agent/detail/3857773"
"additional_agent3": {
"agent_id": 3857775,
"first_name": "Preston",
"last_name": "Lakestar",
"middle_name": "Thomas",
"detail_url": "Zapier/agent/detail/3857775"
"contact_info": {
"email_address": "",
"email_address2": "",
"opt_out_of_emails": false,
"addresses": {
"address_1": {
"address_id": 0,
"address_type": {
"id": 0,
"value": ""
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"city": "",
"county_name": "",
"state_province_abbreviation": "",
"postal_code": "",
"is_primary": false
"address_2": {
"address_id": 0,
"address_type": {
"id": 0,
"value": ""
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"city": "",
"county_name": "",
"state_province_abbreviation": "",
"postal_code": "",
"is_primary": false
"address_3": {
"address_id": 0,
"address_type": {
"id": 0,
"value": ""
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"city": "",
"county_name": "",
"state_province_abbreviation": "",
"postal_code": "",
"is_primary": false
"phones": {
"home": {
"phone_number": "(098) 765-4321",
"extension": "2",
"type": "home"
"business": {
"phone_number": "(123) 456-7890",
"extension": "12",
"type": "business"
"cell": {
"phone_number": "(654) 321-0987",
"extension": "9",
"type": "cell"
"fax": {
"phone_number": "",
"extension": ""
"lead_info": {
"lead_date": "2019-01-06T00:00:00",
"lead_source": {
"id": 3088833,
"value": "Website"
"other_lead_source": "Facebook",
"agent_affiliate": {
"agent_id": 3857767,
"first_name": "Zap",
"last_name": "Smith",
"middle_name": "Wayne",
"detail_url": "Zapier/agent/detail/3857767"
"project_code": {
"id": 3088780,
"value": "Proj Code ABC"
"group": {
"group_id": 2615389,
"name": "Johnson Excavating",
"detail_url": "Zapier/groups/2615389/detail"
"carrier": null,
"leadform_id": 0,
"from_leadform": null,
"external_id": "",
"custom_field_data": {
"custom_fields_1_name": "",
"custom_fields_1_type": "",
"custom_fields_1_value": "",
"custom_fields_2_name": "",
"custom_fields_2_type": "",
"custom_fields_2_value": "",
"custom_fields_3_name": "",
"custom_fields_3_type": "",
"custom_fields_3_value": "",
"custom_fields_4_name": "",
"custom_fields_4_type": "",
"custom_fields_4_value": "",
"custom_fields_5_name": "",
"custom_fields_5_type": "",
"custom_fields_5_value": "",
"custom_fields_6_name": "",
"custom_fields_6_type": "",
"custom_fields_6_value": "",
"custom_fields_7_name": "",
"custom_fields_7_type": "",
"custom_fields_7_value": "",
"custom_fields_8_name": "",
"custom_fields_8_type": "",
"custom_fields_8_value": "",
"custom_fields_9_name": "",
"custom_fields_9_type": "",
"custom_fields_9_value": "",
"custom_fields_10_name": "",
"custom_fields_10_type": "",
"custom_fields_10_value": "",
"custom_fields_11_name": "",
"custom_fields_11_type": "",
"custom_fields_11_value": "",
"custom_fields_12_name": "",
"custom_fields_12_type": "",
"custom_fields_12_value": "",
"custom_fields_13_name": "",
"custom_fields_13_type": "",
"custom_fields_13_value": "",
"custom_fields_14_name": "",
"custom_fields_14_type": "",
"custom_fields_14_value": "",
"custom_fields_15_name": "",
"custom_fields_15_type": "",
"custom_fields_15_value": "",
"custom_fields_16_name": "",
"custom_fields_16_type": "",
"custom_fields_16_value": "",
"custom_fields_17_name": "",
"custom_fields_17_type": "",
"custom_fields_17_value": "",
"custom_fields_18_name": "",
"custom_fields_18_type": "",
"custom_fields_18_value": "",
"custom_fields_19_name": "",
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