Updating the AgencyBloc App in Zapier
When we make improvements to the AgencyBloc app in Zapier, its app version changes. If you use the AgencyBloc app in any of your Zaps, you will need to update each one to use the latest version. Zaps using an older version of the AgencyBloc app will stop working until updated.
Please note that your Zaps will not update the AgencyBloc app automatically. To avoid disruptions, you will have to go into each Zap and make the update manually. Learn how in this article.
How do I update my Zaps to the latest AgencyBloc version?
- Navigate to https://zapier.com/app/zaps and filter the list to show AgencyBloc Zaps only.
- Pick a Zap and select the “...” button to open a dropdown menu.
- In the dropdown menu, select the “Duplicate” option to make a copy of the Zap.
- You may use it later as a reference if you need to re-map fields in the original Zap.
- After making a copy, find the original. Select the “...” button to open a dropdown menu and choose the “View” option to start editing.
- Find a step that uses AgencyBloc as the trigger or action and select it to review the app and event details.
- In the app field, find and choose “AgencyBloc (Latest)” in the app list.
- The first time you connect to the new version (regardless if it's a trigger or action step), you will need to re-enter your API Key. You can re-use the same key as before.
- Re-test every step that you updated.
- If you’re updating a trigger, you will only need to retest the trigger. Please note, this could send data to other apps in the Zap.
- If you’re updating an action, you will also need to re-map all of the action data fields. Use the copy you made earlier as a reference.
- Once every step passes, re-publish the Zap.
- You're done! You've successfully updated a Zap to use the latest version of AgencyBloc.
If you need assistance, please contact us at help@agencybloc.com.
Clean up duplicate Zaps
Once you’ve finished updating all your Zaps, we recommend going back through your Zap list and cleaning up the duplicates (that you created in Step 3). You can either delete the duplicate Zaps or archive them in a separate folder. Learn how to create folders in Zapier.
Recent Zapier updates
- May 2022 - Added new Search actions