Note: Our Lead POST API can now create Sales Records. If you’re already using it to create Individual Records, refer to this section on how to toggle your Lead POSTS to create Sales Records instead of Individual Records.
Add a lead generation integration to simplify acquiring and managing your leads. Please note, you need to be a client of both AMS+ and the third-party lead vendor - they are separate subscriptions. To activate an integration, please contact the Support Team to get your Lead Post URL.
Lead Vendors
Many lead vendors can set up this integration with AMS+ with minimal effort. Here are some examples:
- AgentMethods
- All Web Leads
- ARM Leads
- Datalot
- HPOne
- LeadCloud
- Lead Concepts
- NextGen Leads
- Precise Leads
- Prospect Zone
- 360 Quote LLC
Available Fields
Each of the AMS+ fields listed below can receive information from a lead vendor, but you may need to work directly with them for your specific needs - there is no 'standard' integration, it's on a per client basis.
If you use a different lead vendor than what we have listed above, please share this technical information with them!
Technical Documentation
(Details for your IT person or developer)
To activate a lead post integration, please contact the Client Success Team at to get your Lead Post URL.
Once you have this URL, you can post leads directly into AMS+ with an HTTPS Form POST. Fields will be posted as name/value pairs in the BODY of the request (not in the querystring).
Sample POST Body: lastName=Doe&firstName=John
The content type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, just like a regular Form Post.
See below for post parameters on location and supported fields.
You must POST the following parameters via the body of the request. Parameters found in the querystring of the request will be ignored.
Parameter | Description |
lastName | The last name of the new Sales Record. |
firstName | The first name of the new Sales Record. |
You may also POST any of the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
middleInitial | The middle initial of the new Sales Record. |
title | The title of the new Sales Record. |
birthDate | The birth date of the new Sales Record. Must follow this format: 'MM/DD/YYYY'. |
ssn | The social security number of the new individual. |
gender | The gender of the new Sales Record. Must follow this format: 'F' for female or 'M' for male. |
smokerStatus | The smoker/tobacco status for the new Sales Record. Must follow this format: 'Y' for yes or 'N' for no. |
The email of the new Sales Record. Must follow this format: ''. | |
status | The status of the new Sales Record. If it doesn't exist, a new status value will be created in AMS+. |
leadSource | The lead source of the new Sales Record. If it doesn't exist in AMS+, a new lead source value will be created. |
leadDate | The lead date of the new Sales Record. Must follow this format: 'MM/DD/YYYY'. |
Phone numbers (optional)
When sending phone numbers via POST, please ensure that all phone numbers are formatted as (319) 555-0000
Parameter | Description |
homePhone | The home phone number of the new Sales Record. |
cellPhone | The cell phone number of the new Sales Record. |
Address information (optional)
Parameter | Description |
street1 | The first line of the new Sales Record. |
street2 | The second line of the new Sales Record. |
city | The city of the new Sales Record. |
stateAbbrev |
The state abbreviation of the new Sales Record. Required if zip code is not provided. |
zip | The zip code of the new Sales Record. |
county |
The county of the new Sales Record. Zip code and county name are required to set the county. |
Agent information (optional)
When sending the agent's first and last name via POST, the agent's first and last name need to match exactly as it appears within AMS+. If the names don't match, the agent will not be assigned.
Note: If your AMS+ subscription package includes premium workflow actions, you can use Sales Workflows to trigger Lead Routing Rules to assign agents to new Sales Records created by the Lead POST. Posting the word “Auto” in the first name field and leaving the last name field blank will trigger Lead Routing Rules.
Parameter | Description |
servicingAgentLastName | The last name of the user that will be assigned to the Sales Record. |
servicingAgentFirstName | The first name of the user that will be assigned to the Sales Record. |
Custom Fields
AMS+ allows access to setting custom fields inside your account when creating a new Sales Record. In order to pass custom fields, you will need to preface the names of the custom fields inside your account with 'custom_'. To obtain the name values for the custom fields, you will need to access the custom fields page below.
By selecting the entity type from the dropdown, you will see the list of that entity's custom fields. All names must match exactly what is listed on the page, along with the preface of 'custom_'.
Upon successfully creating a new individual inside your AMS+ account, you will get a return status of 200 OK.
Legacy components
Note: Legacy components include outdated features and functionality that may not be present in your account. This section is only relevant if your account has them.
Legacy components in this section:
- Lead Post Utility
- Technical documentation for Individual Records
Lead Post Utility
Only users that belong to a Security Group with the ‘Visible’ Sales Enablement permission AND the ‘Manage Data & Custom Fields’ Administrative permission can use this utility.
If you’re already using our Lead POST, you can toggle it to create Sales Records instead of Individual Records. All you have to do is go to and select ‘Sales Enablement Leads’ in the dropdown list.
When ready, save your changes and all existing Lead POSTS will automatically switch over to Sales Records. Neither you nor your lead vendors need to make any additional changes.
Things to consider before flipping from Individual to Sales Records:
- Are all your users set up with the appropriate Sales permissions so that the correct agent can be assigned when a new Sales Record is created?
- Are all your Sales Workflows set up that you would want new Sales Records to trigger?
Note: Switching the utility to Sales Record will exclude data being sent to: Type, Project Code, Other Lead Source, Business Phone, Lead Agent.
Technical documentation for Individual Records
(Details for your IT person or developer)
To activate a lead post integration, please contact the Client Success Team at to get your Lead Post URL.
Once you have this URL, you can post leads directly into AMS+ with an HTTPS Form POST. Fields will be posted as name/value pairs in the BODY of the request (not in the querystring).
Sample POST Body: lastName=Doe&firstName=John&type=Prospect
The content type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, just like a regular Form Post.
See below for post parameters on location and supported fields.
You must POST the following parameters via the body of the request. Parameters found in the querystring of the request will be ignored.
Parameter | Description |
lastName | The last name of the new individual. |
firstName | The first name of the new individual. |
You may also POST any of the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
middleInitial | The middle initial of the new individual. |
title | The title of the new individual. |
birthDate | The birth date of the new individual. Must follow this format: 'MM/DD/YYYY'. |
ssn | The social security number of the new individual. |
gender | The gender of the new individual. Must follow this format: 'F' for female or 'M' for male. |
smokerStatus | The smoker/tobacco status for the new individual. Must follow this format: 'Y' for yes or 'N' for no. |
The email of the new individual. Must follow this format: ''. | |
status | The status of the new individual. If it doesn't exist, a new status value will be created in AMS+. |
type | The type of the new individual. If it doesn't exist in AMS+, a new type value will be created. |
projectCode | The project code of the new individual. If it doesn't exist in AMS+, a new project code value will be created. |
leadSource | The lead source of the new individual. If it doesn't exist in AMS+, a new lead source value will be created. |
leadSourceOther | The lead source other of the new individual. |
leadDate | The lead date of the new individual. Must follow this format: 'MM/DD/YYYY'. |
externalID | This value is not represented anywhere inside AMS+. It is used as a unique identifier between AMS+ and third-party applications. |
Phone numbers (optional)
When sending phone numbers via POST, please ensure that all phone numbers are formatted as (319) 555-0000
Parameter | Description |
homePhone | The home phone number of the new individual's contact information. |
cellPhone | The cell phone number of the new individual contact information. |
businessPhone | The business phone number of the new individual's contact information. |
Address information (optional)
Parameter | Description |
street1 | The first line of the new individual's contact information. |
street2 | The second line of the new individual's contact information. |
city | The city of the new individual's contact information. |
stateAbbrev |
The state abbreviation of the new individual's contact information. Required if zip code is not provided. |
zip | The zip code of the new individual's contact information. |
county |
The county of the new individual's contact information. Zip code and county name are required to set the county. |
Agent information (optional)
When sending the agent's first and last name via POST, the agent's first and last name need to match exactly as it appears within AMS+. If the names don't match, the agent will not be assigned.
Parameter | Description |
servicingAgentLastName | The last name of the servicing agent that will be assigned to the new individual. |
servicingAgentFirstName | The first name of the servicing agent that will be assigned to the new individual. |
leadSourceAgentLastName | The last name of the lead source agent that will be assigned to the new individual. |
leadSourceAgentFirstName | The first name of the lead source agent that will be assigned to the new individual. |
Notes & attachments (optional)
For each note/attachment record (“collection”), a note body and note subject are required.
Along with each note, you can also post up to 5 files (optional). For each file within a collection, a filename must be supplied as well as a valid URL or base64 encoded file. You may post up to 5 Notes/Attachment collections, with each one containing up to 5 files.
See the Note & attachment examples section at the end for text files with demo data.
Parameter | Description | Parameter Collection |
attachment_note_1_body_text | Note body - Appears in the detail view of a note entry. Must not exceed 4,294,977,295 bytes. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_subject_text | Note subject - Appears in note lists for entities in the web app. Must not exceed 65,535 bytes. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_pinned | Flag indicating whether this item will be pinned. Any other previously pinned notes will become un-pinned. Must be either a 1 or a 0. Any other value will be treated as a 0. | 1 |
attach_file_to_note_1 | Flag indicating whether this note will have file attachments. Must be either a 1 or a 0. Any other value will be treated as a 0. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_url_1 | A valid URL where a file attachment can be downloaded from. When provided, we download the file and attach to the note entry. Must start with “http://” or “https://”. Anything else will be ignored. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_body_1 | The file contents as a base64 encoded string. Any non-empty, base64 encoding that is invalid will not be accepted and the file will not be attached. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_name_1 |
The filename of the uploaded file. Invalid characters in the filename may be replaced and filenames may be shortened under certain conditions. Invalid characters include:
1 |
attachment_note_1_file_url_2 | A valid URL where a file attachment can be downloaded from. When provided, we download the file and attach to the note entry. Must start with “http://” or “https://”. Anything else will be ignored. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_body_2 | The file contents as a base64 encoded string. Any non-empty, base64 encoding that is invalid will not be accepted and the file will not be attached. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_name_2 |
The filename of the uploaded file. Invalid characters in the filename may be replaced and filenames may be shortened under certain conditions. Invalid characters include:
1 |
... | ... | ... |
attachment_note_1_file_url_5 | A valid URL where a file attachment can be downloaded from. When supplied, we download the file and attach to the note entry. Must start with “http://” or “https://”. Anything else will be ignored. | |
attachment_note_1_file_body_5 | The file contents as a base64 encoded string. Any non-empty, base64 encoding that is invalid will not be accepted and the file will not be attached. | 1 |
attachment_note_1_file_name_5 |
The filename of the uploaded file. Invalid characters in the filename may be replaced and filenames may be shortened under certain conditions. Invalid characters include:
1 |
attachment_note_2_body_text | Note body - Appears in the detail view of a note entry. Must not exceed 4,294,977,295 bytes. | 1 |
attachment_note_2_subject_text | Note subject - Appears in note lists for entities in the web app. Must not exceed 65,535 bytes. | 1 |
attachment_note_2_pinned | Flag indicating whether this item will be pinned. Any other previously pinned notes will become un-pinned. Must be either 1 or 0. Any other value will be treated as a 0. | 1 |
attach_file_to_note_2 | Flag indicating whether this note will have file attachments. Must be either 1 or 0, any other value will be treated as a 0. | 1 |
attachment_note_2_file_url_1 | A valid URL where a file attachment can be downloaded from. When supplied, we download the file and attach to the note entry. Must start with “http://” or “https://”. Anything else will be ignored. | 1 |
attachment_note_2_file_body_1 | The file contents as a base64 encoded string. Any non-empty, base64 encoding that is invalid will not be accepted and the file will not be attached. | 1 |
attachment_note_2_file_name_1 |
The filename of the uploaded file. Invalid characters in the filename may be replaced and filenames may be shortened under certain conditions. Invalid characters include:
1 |
... | ... | ... |
attachment_note_5_file_body_5 | The file contents as a base64 encoded string. Any non-empty, base64 encoding that is invalid will not be accepted and the file will not be attached. | 1 |
attachment_note_5_file_name_5 |
The filename of the uploaded file. Invalid characters in the filename may be replaced and filenames may be shortened under certain conditions. Invalid characters include:
1 |
Custom Fields
AMS+ allows access to setting custom fields inside your account when creating a new individual. In order to pass custom fields, you will need to preface the names of the custom fields inside your account with 'custom_'. To obtain the name values for the custom fields, you will need to access the custom fields page below.
By selecting the entity type from the dropdown, you will see the list of that entity's custom fields. All names must match exactly what is listed on the page, along with the preface of 'custom_'.
Upon successfully creating a new individual inside your AMS+ account, you will get a return status of 200 OK.
Note & attachment examples
The downloads for this article (see below) demonstrate the naming conventions for a single note with a single attached file (minimum functional implementation of notes & attachments) and 5 five notes with 5 attached files per note (25 files, maximum functional implementation at this time).
Note: The parameters in the text files are not URL encoded for readability purposes. Depending on your API endpoint or integration you may need to include additional parameters to complete your request.