This integration lets you transfer employer, employee, and dependent information from AMS+ to our Quote+ quoting and enrollment solution.
For instructions on transferring employer and employee data from Quote+ to AMS+, see this article.
Finding your agency number in Quote+
Activating the integration in AMS+
Mapping AMS+ Servicing Agents to Quote+ Brokers
Sending AMS+ employer, employee, and dependent data to Quote+
Required field data
Mapped field data
Integration troubleshooting
Finding your agency number in Quote+
This integration requires an active Quote+ account and your agency’s account number. If you already have an active Quote+ account, follow these instructions to find your agency’s account number in Quote+. Then, you’ll have everything you need to activate the integration within AMS+.
- Log into your Quote+ account.
- In the left-hand navigation, select the ‘Agency’ tab.
- On the Account Details page, find the Account Number field, and copy or write down numbers and dashes only.
- DO NOT copy any letters.
Activating the integration in AMS+
Only users assigned to a Security Group with the ‘Manage Data & Custom Fields’ and 'Manage Users' Administrative permissions can view and access the integration settings outlined in this section.
This integration’s activation setup requires your agency’s account number from Quote+. If you don’t already have it, refer to this section to learn where to find it.
With your agency number in hand, you can begin setup:
- Go to Settings.
- On the Servicing tab, locate and select the Integrations setting.
- On the Integrations page, select the Quote+ link from the list of integrations.
- On the next page, you will see an overview of the AMS+ / Quote+ Integration. If you already have a Quote+ account, select the ‘Begin Setup’ button.
- If you don’t have a Quote+ account, select the ‘Learn More’ link for more information about our group quoting and enrollment platform.
- On the next page, enter the account number for your agency in Quote+.
- Enter numbers and dashes only. No letters or special characters.
- Save.
Mapping AMS+ Servicing Agents to Quote+ Brokers
By default, Servicing Agents are not attached to Groups created or updated by this integration unless they are mapped to Brokers in Quote+. Users with restricted access to only Groups in their book of business won’t see a Group created by this integration until it is attached to their associated Servicing Agent.
You can attach Servicing Agents to Groups in your integration settings. To get started:
Go to the Quote+ integration’s Mapped Agents tab. This tab displays a list of all active Brokers in your Quote+ account.
Review each Quote+ Broker and add a Servicing Agent to each one.
When a Group is sent from Quote+ to AMS+, the integration will check its assigned Broker and attach the corresponding Servicing Agent to the Group.
Sending AMS+ employer, employee, and dependent data to Quote+
Once the integration is activated in AMS+, users can start sending Group data over to Quote+. Please note that the integration currently only sends data one way, from AMS+ to Quote+.
Only users assigned to a Security Group with the ‘Visible’ and ‘Edit’ permissions for Group AND Individual Records can use this integration.
To send a Group Record to Quote+:
- Log into AMS+ and go to a Group Record.
- In the record footer, select the ‘Send to Quote+’ button to open the integration modal.
- If the Group Record doesn't have a primary address, you'll get a message asking you to check and add the missing information. If the Group has a Tax ID, we'll also make sure it's correct. If the Tax ID isn't valid or doesn't follow the 9-digit format, you'll be asked to review and correct it.
- In the modal, select the Agency, Location, and Broker. The available options are pulled directly from your Quote+ account.
- In the Create or Update field, choose ‘Update Employer’ or ‘Create Employer’ from the dropdown list. When possible, we recommend updating to prevent duplicates in Quote+.
- If you’re updating, a search field will appear. Enter the Employer's name exactly as it appears in Quote+.
- If you’re creating, a new Employer will be added to your Quote+ account upon completion.
- When ready, select the ‘Send’ button to transfer the Group Record and its employee and dependent information to Quote+.
- Depending on the choice you made in Step 4, an Employer will either be updated or created in Quote+ with the Group’s data.
Required field data
Certain field data is required to send Groups, employees, and dependents from AMS+ to Quote+. In general, if a record is missing the required field data, the record will not be transferred over to Quote+.
If a record fails to send over to Quote+, check to see if they’re missing any of the following field data:
Group Record |
Individual Record (Employee) |
Individual Relationship (Employee Dependent) |
* Without, Quote+ will default to using "Other".
** Without, Quote+ will use the Group’s primary address.
Mapped field data
The following AMS+ data fields on Group Records, Individual Records, and Individual Relationships map to Quote+ Employers, Employees and Dependents.
For a list of data fields sent from Quote+ to AMS+, see this article.
Group data sent to Quote+
AMS+ Group Field | Quote+ Employer Field |
Group Info: Group Name |
Basic Information: Employer Name |
Group Info: Federal Tax ID |
Basic Information: Tax ID |
Group Info: Industry ID (SIC) |
Basic Information: SIC |
Group Info: Industry Description (NAICS) |
Basic Information: NAICS |
Selected on modal |
Agency Location |
Primary Address: Address 1 |
Contact Details: Address Line 1 |
Primary Address: Address 2 |
Contact Details: Address Line 2 |
Primary Address: City |
Contact Details: City |
Primary Address: State |
Contact Details: State |
Primary Address: County |
Contact Details: County |
Primary Address: Zip Code |
Contact Details: Zip |
Primary Contact: First Name |
Contact Details: First Name |
Primary Contact: Last Name |
Contact Details: Last Name |
Primary Contact: Title |
Contact Details: Title |
Primary Contact: Email |
Contact Details: Contact Email |
Primary Contact: Business Phone |
Contact Details: Contact Phone |
Selected on modal |
Broker ID |
Individual data sent to Quote+
AMS+ Individual Field | Quote+ Employee Field |
Personal Info: First Name |
First Name |
Personal Info: Last Name |
Last Name |
Personal Info: DOB |
Personal Info: Gender |
Sex |
Personal Info: Email | |
Contact Info: Cell Phone | Cell Phone |
Contact Info: City | City |
Contact Info: State | State |
Contact Info: County | County |
Contact Info: Zip Code | Work Zip |
Group Individual Employment: Salary | Salary |
Group Individual Employment: Employee Hire Date | Date of Hire |
Group Individual Employment: Employee Classification *The following values are allowed: Full Time, Full-Time, Part Time, and Part-Time. |
Benefit Status |
Personal Info: SSN (Last 4) | SSN (Last 4) |
Individual Relationship data sent to Quote+
AMS+ Individual Relationship (includes Text Individuals) Field | Quote+ Dependent Field |
First Name | First Name |
Last Name | Last Name |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth |
Gender | Gender |
Relationship Type (Spouse or Child) | Relation Type |
Smoker Status (Yes or No) | Tobacco (Yes or No) |
Integration troubleshooting
What happens if my Agency is deleted, becomes a Sub-Agency of a GA in Quote+ or becomes an Independent Agency in Quote+?
The integration will fail to send data. If this happens, double check your integration settings and make sure the Agency Number is still valid. Also, go to Quote+ and verify that the Agency Number is correct and has not changed. If it has, copy and paste the updated number in the AMS+ integration settings.
Is the send instant?
It may take a few moments for the send to occur. A success message will show in AMS+ letting the user know that the send has taken place. Sending a NEW group more than once without waiting for a success or error message will result in duplicates!