With August’s updates, you can now track and import MBIs in AgencyBloc for your senior business. You also have more customization options for branding and the data that you and your agents can view on agent statements. The Agent, Agency, and Carrier Detail pages also have updated layouts to help improve efficiencies with data entry and pave the way for future enhancements.
8/28/2018 - Page layout updates
8/15/2018 - New Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBI) field
8/6/2018 - Agent statements: New header customization & statement data views
8/28/2018 - Page layout updates
We updated the page layout of the Agent Detail, Agency Detail, and Carrier Detail screens to bring them more in line with the other parts of the application and help improve keyboard navigation for data entry.
Keyboard navigation improvements include the following:
- Return focus - Visual feedback to keep track of where you are on the screen.
- Phone number fields - Click directly on the phone number you want to edit.
Agent records
Agency records
Carrier records
8/15/2018 - New Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBI) field
Individual records
This update added a new Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBI) field so you can track and report on MBIs in AgencyBloc without using custom fields. The federal government created MBIs to replace the old SSN-based Medicare IDs. Visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website for more information. Please note, you can continue to track and generate reports on the old Medicare IDs in AgencyBloc.
Importing MBI data
If you're currently using custom fields, spreadsheets, or other systems outside of AgencyBloc to track MBIs, you can move this data over to the new MBI field with our book of business import. For more information, contact the Client Success Team at help@agencybloc.com.
Viewing MBI data
With PII permissions, you can view MBI data in the following locations:
- Group, carrier, and individual records
- Individual Quick Search
Tip: You can change where MBI data appears in Settings & Profile menu > Settings > Column Settings.
Downloading MBI data
With PII permissions, you can download MBI data from the following locations:
- Advanced Search - Individuals & policies (need PII permissions)
- Individual tabs - Carriers & groups (need PII permissions)
- Standard Reports - Individual & Individual Relationships (need PII permissions)
- Custom Reporting - Individual report type & related options (don’t need PII permissions but data will be masked)
Tip: You may find it helpful to periodically run reports on MBI and generate lists of clients who don’t have an MBI, so you know who to contact.
8/6/2018 - Agent statements: New header customization & statement data views
Agent Statements
On the agent statement pages, you can now choose specific sets of columns to be included each time you generate statements with our new statement data views. Each statement data view gives you and your agents different perspectives on the commission activity of a particular time period. In addition, you can now hide page numbers in PDF statements.
Note: You can still run and download the same agent statements that you’ve been using prior to this update, using the “Legacy” statement data view.
Check out the Agent Statements article for more information about statement data views and a Custom Reporting recipe to build your own CSV statement.
Agent Statement Settings
In Agent Statement Settings, you can now brand your PDF agent statements with a logo and company information in the header. You can also set permissions to control which statement data views your agent statement users can see and run in their statements.
Add logo and company information in Agent Statement Settings |
Logo and company information as they appear in PDF statements |
Check out the Agent Statement Settings article and watch the Customizing Agent Statements video to learn more about statement header customization, statement messages, and statement data view permissions.
We're here to help. If you need anything, feel free to send us an email at help@agencybloc.com. Also, let us know what you think of the update. Have a good one!