Note: The Five9 integration supports Individual Records only. The integration's lookup and screen pop features do not support Sales Records. Also, it can't create or update Sales Records or create Activities for Sales Records.
Five9 is a provider of cloud contact center software. To learn more, visit Five9’s site. The integration with Five9 helps you manage clients by reducing data entry and saving time in locating client information.
With the integration, when certain events (dispositions) occur in Five9 you can then create or update Individual Records in AMS+. Also, you can create and assign activities or look up client information. Each integration is tailored to match your specific needs. Configure an integration between Five9 and AMS+ to match your processes. To set up an integration, you‘ll need to be a client of both AMS+ and Five9.
Integration Options
Setting up an Integration
Individual Lookup & Screen Pop
Individual & Activity Posting
Common Questions
Integration Options
You can select from a few options when setting up an integration with Five9. Each integration is tailored to your specification in order to match the needs of your agency. You can create connectors in Five9 for following options:
- Screen Pop - search AMS+ based on a caller's phone number.
- Individual Lookup - open an Individual Records in AMS+ using the unique Individual ID
- Individual & Activity Posting - create or update Individuals in AMS+. Optionally, you can include data to create activities for those Individuals
Setting up an Integration
To set up an integration:
- Determine which integration options you’ll need.
- Choose from the options listed above.
- If posting Individuals & Activities, request an AMS+ Five9 POST URL.
- If you don’t already have one, contact Client Success by calling or emailing
- Contact Five9 for assistance to help set up an integration.
- Reach out to Five9 and they’ll help configure integration options.
- You’re all set!
Individual Lookup & Screen Pop
Individual Lookup
You can set up an integration to search AMS+ for Individual Records using a specific Individual ID. To open a specific Individual using the Individual ID, set up a connector using the following URL:[IndividualID]/detail
Screen Pop
You can create a screen pop to search for an Individual by phone number. Set up the screen pop by creating a connector in Five9. For additional details, check out the article setting up a screen pop.
Individual & Activity Posting
You can post the following from Five9 to AMS+. Field names are listed below for AMS+ and Five9. When they are different, you'll see both field names listed.
Individual Records are looked up based on the AMS+ Individual ID first. If no Individual is found, a second search is performed using on Five9's Unique ID. If either is found, the Individual will be updated first and then an activity is added. If an Individual Record isn’t found, a new Individual will be created and then an activity can be added.
Individuals can be created/updated with the following fields:
AMS+ Post Field | AMS+ Field | Five9 Field |
individualID | Individual ID | Lead ID |
custom_Five9ID | Five9 ID (Custom Field) | Five 9 Contact ID |
firstName | First Name | (same) |
middleName | Middle Name | (same) |
lastName | Last Name | (same) |
nickname | Nickname | (same) |
type | Type | Lead Type |
status | Status | (same) |
cellPhone | Cell Phone | Number1 |
businessPhone | Business Phone | Number2 |
homePhone | Home Phone | Number3 |
fax | Fax Number | (same) |
title | Title | -- |
street1 | Street | (same) |
city | City | (same) |
county | Primary County | (same) |
stateAbbrev | State | (same) |
zip | Zip Code | (same) |
Email Address | ||
medPartADate | Medicare Effective Date (Part A) | Part A Eff Date |
medPartBDate | Medicare Effective Date (Part B) | Part B Eff Date |
birthDate | DOB | Date of Birth |
deceasedDate | Deceased Date | (same) |
gender | Gender | (same) |
dlNumber | Driver's License Number | (same) |
leadDate | Lead Date | (same) |
leadSource | Lead Source | (same) |
leadSourceOther |
Lead Source Other *Free text |
-- |
projectCode | Project Code | -- |
servicingAgentName |
Servicing Agent *The servicing agent name must follow this format: [First Name][SPACE][Last Name] (e.g., John Doe) |
Agent |
Activities can be created for Individual Records with the following fields:
AMS+ Post field | AMS+ Field | Five9 Field |
activitySubject | Activity Subject | Five9 Disposition Name |
activityNotes | Activity Notes | Session ID (comments in five9) |
activityStatus | Activity Status | -- |
activityType | Activity Type | -- |
activityMethod | Activity Method | -- |
activityPriority | Activity Priority | -- |
activityDueInDays | Activity Due Days (from current day) | -- |
activityFollowUpTeam |
Activity Follow-up Team *The team’s name must be a text/string value (e.g. Amazing Team 1). |
-- |
activityFollowUpUser |
Activity Follow-up User *The user’s name must follow this format: [last name], [first name] (e.g., Doe, Jane) |
-- |
Five9 can send an HTTPS POST of data in one payload. All parameters must be POST’ed with a content-type of ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’. This is a standard form submit with name/value pairs. Also, make sure to not include the parameters in the URL/QueryString as it will not work.
For example: lastName=Doe&firstName=John&individualID=123456&custom_Five9ID=9180326
Common Questions
How do I get a Five9 post URL?
Contact Client Success by calling or emailing