Once you’ve sent an email campaign, you can monitor its performance and review results. Learn how to track the performance of your email campaigns to grow your list and improve your email marketing efforts. Review emails sent to see campaign performance. Dig into email details to see recipient engagement through metrics like opens and clicks.
Overview of all Email Campaigns
The Overview section of Email Marketing displays information from all of your email campaigns in graphs and lists. The overview area contains a timeline of emails, highest bounce & spam by campaign days, and a list of your email campaigns.
Timeline of Emails
With this graph, you'll see the number of emails sent across all email campaigns. Much like other graphs within AMS+, you can roll over the bars to view details. Adjust the timeframe filter at the top of the graph to switch between the last 30 days or the last 12 months. Monitor how much and how often you are emailing your contacts.
Highest Bounce & Spams
With this graph, you'll see which campaigns have generated the highest number of spam complaints or hard bounces. Use this to watch your campaigns for spam and bounce issues. Filter by campaign status to see all, paused, disabled, or completed campaigns. Clicking the campaign name or black bar takes you to the campaigns so you can review specific campaign details.
Email Campaigns List
This area lists your email campaigns. You can filter to see all campaigns, campaigns sent in the last 30 days, or campaigns in a draft or pending status. When you want to look into details further, select the campaign name to go to campaign details page.
View a specific Email Campaign
When you want to review a particular campaign, select a campaign’s name to go the detail tab for that campaign. Once viewing a campaign, you can see a recap of the email campaign, review campaign performance, and look into email metrics to understand how recipients engage with your emails.
View Campaign Details
The details tab displays a recap of your campaign and provides the following information:
- Email Campaign Recap - If variable data fields were added to the email subject, you will see the field placeholders in brackets [ ]. When viewing the email on the recipient’s record, the placeholders will be replaced with actual data (if available).
- Campaign Details - A summary of the campaign name, email recipients, number of emails and sender information.
- Filters used to select recipients - A summary of filters used to select recipients.
Review Campaign Performance
In this area, you can see an overview of how your campaign is performing overall. Bounce and spam complaints display so you can monitor the health of your campaign. Review each email drip sent for a campaign and see metrics for opens, clicks, and opt-outs.
Use this data to determine if your email is being well received (% opened) and if recipients are clicking on your links (% clicked). Use this to help inform the decisions you make about content and link positioning in the emails you send.
If variable data fields were added to the email subject, you will see the field placeholders in brackets [ ]. When viewing the email on the recipient’s record, the placeholders will be replaced with actual data (if available).
Look into Email Metrics
View detailed email metrics from your campaign on the Email tab. The Email tab contains 3 areas to help you dig into recipient engagement. When you have more than one email drip for a campaign, select the email to view drip results.
- Timeline of Engagement
- Recipients
- Links & Clicks
Note: If you are reviewing a campaign with multiple emails, you'll see a dropdown so you can look into the results of each drip.
View when an email is opened, clicked, or a spam complaint occurred on the Timeline of Engagement graph. Use this data to better understand when your recipients typically interact with your emails. You can use this to help determine when is best to send emails. You can set a date range and select to view opens, clicks, and spam to compare timeline details.
View a list of recipients for the email campaign and what recipients have interacted with the email. Filter using the drop-down option to list all or only a subset of recipients.
- Opens & Clicks (default) - A combination or recipients who opened the email and if applicable, clicked a link in the email content.
- All - All recipients.
- Bounces - Recipients where the email bounced.
- Spam - Recipients who reported the email as spam.
By default, the list sorted by interaction date, with the most recent at the top of the list. You can sort by clicking on the header of a column. For example, you can click on the ‘Recipient’ header to sort the list by recipient. Use the search below field to filter recipients or find a specific recipient
Links & Clicks
Review link interaction metrics under the Links & Clicks tab to see what your recipients are clicking. Use this data to inform your link placement in your emails and what recipients find useful. Note, if you don’t include any links in your email, no data will display here.