As you process commissions, you can run and download statements to give to your agents with their paychecks. This article covers the preconfigured statements and includes a Custom Reporting recipe. You can use the recipe to build your own statements.
Note: Only accounts with Commissions+ can access and use AMS+'s commission features.
Statement details
When running statements, you will need to choose a statement format. Each statement format includes general commission statement fields, as well as a few commission-specific fields that pertain to the focus of that format.
Statement file type
You can download statements as PDF files for a simplified breakdown of your agents’ commission activity, or as CSV files so you can more easily manipulate the data for other purposes.
Note: Only PDF files will have a statement header (logo and company contact information) and statement message. CSV files will only have the agent-specific statement message.
Custom statement header
If you download your statements as PDFs, you can brand the statement header with your agency’s logo and contact information in Agent Statement Settings. Keep in mind, CSV files do not have a statement header.
Include Servicing Agent column (CSV file only)
If you want to include the Servicing Agent column in Agent Statement CSV files:
- Go to the Commission Statements page, and select ‘CSV’ in the File Type dropdown menu.
- Check the ‘Include Servicing Agent’ checkbox.
- Run the report.
- The downloaded CSV file will now include a column and field data for Servicing Agent.
Note: The Servicing Agent column will be automatically included in CSV files downloaded by Agent Statement Users.
Statement formats
The statement format changes the focus of the statement data to give you and your agents different perspectives on the commission activity of a particular time period. There are five statement formats, one of which is exclusive to the CSV file type.
Note: You can control the statement formats that your agent statement users can see and run in Agent Statement Settings.
- Premium: Shows bill from date month that the agency received commission from the carrier and the premium that the client paid to the carrier for that policy.
- Per Life: Shows bill from date month that the agency received commission from the carrier and the premium that the client paid to the carrier for that policy. Includes the number of lives covered under each policy.
- Commission Received: Shows commissions that the agency received from the carrier.
- Agent Splits: Shows commissions that the agency received from the carrier, as well as the commission split formula (rate and rate type) used to calculate the agent’s commission.
- All Data Focus: Shows data from all other statement formats. CSV only.
PDF statements only
The PDF statements will also show summaries of the adjustment total and payment total for each agent.
The statement will show a message if the agent’s balance was carried forward from a previous statement.
It will also show a message if the agent’s balance for the current statement is being held and carried forward to the next statement.
Please note that CSV statements will not include adjustment or payment information, but you can get these details using the Agent Adjustments report.
Custom Reporting recipe
With Custom Reporting, you can access the same data as the statement but you’ll have more flexibility to choose the columns and filters for your statement output. Below is a recipe to help you get started.
Note: The report output from Custom Reporting can only be downloaded as a CSV file or Excel file.
- Select 'Policies' report type
- You cannot build this report using other report types. The Policy Commission Settings fields are only available in the ‘Policies’ report type.
- Add report filters (optional)
Commission Entries
- Statement Date
- Exception
- If you want to exclude Red Edits from your custom report, add the 'Exception' field to your report filters and set its operator to 'is empty'. If you want to include only Red Edits, set its operator to 'is not empty'. To learn more about filters and operators, visit the Adding Filters to Custom Reports article.
- Add report columns
Policy Details > Policy Info
- Policy Number
- Effective Date
- Lives
- Project Code
Policy Details > Agent Info
- Account Manager Name
Related Options > Commissions > Commission Entries
- Statement Date
- Carrier Name
- Servicing Agent Name
- Servicing Agent Number
- Holder Name
- Coverage Type
- Revenue Type
- BFD (Month)
- Premium
- Rate Type
- Commission Received
Related Options > Commissions > Commission Payments
- Payee Name
- Agency
- Rate Table
- Rate
- Commission
- One Time Payment
Related Options > Commissions > Policy Commission Settings
- Revenue Code
- You can rearrange the column order, rename the column headings, and use aggregate functions to change how the data is displayed in your report results. Visit the Adding Columns to Custom Reports article to learn more.
- Preview report results
- Visit the Previewing and Saving Custom Reports article for more details.
Common questions
Can I create custom reports that pull the same data as the statement formats?
Yes, see the report recipe in this article. Keep in mind, the report download is CSV only and will not include statement header customization or page numbers.
We were using the statement format “Grouped by Carrier, No lives” but it’s no longer available. What do we do now?
You can get the same data by using the statement format “Grouped by Carrier” in conjunction with the “Premium” statement format.