With this report, you can export lists of your agent adjustment data by month or a range of months.
Video overview
Video recorded on October 11, 2022
What's in the report
To run this report, you must have the following Security Group permissions:
- Report “Visible”
- Visible (Full Commission Viewing)
Report data:
*The Agent Statement Date is locked. You can lock Agent Statement Dates by finalizing agent payments.
Interpreting the data
This report will export a list of all adjustments and the details for all agents within the specified months.
Processed Agent Statement Date
The ‘Processed Agent Statement Date’ column shows when an adjustment was processed and locked. If you see a date, that means the adjustment was processed and locked. If you see 'N/A', the adjustment is still pending.
Adjustment Type
- Positive - A positive amount was added to the agent’s commission earned.
- Negative - A negative amount was deducted from the agent’s commission earned.
- Advance Payment - A positive amount was added to the agent’s commission earned.
- Advance Repayment - A negative amount was deducted from the agent’s balance.
- Balance Carryover - A positive or negative amount that was carried forward from a previous balance.
Adjustment Status
- Pending - The adjustment is applied to an unlocked Agent Statement Date. After the date is locked, the adjustment status will change to “Processed”.
- Processed - The adjustment is applied to a locked Agent Statement Date.
- Forwarded - The agent balance was carried over to the next commission cycle (from one Agent Statement Date to the next). If the amount is positive, the agent is likely owed commissions. If the amount is negative, the agent likely owes commissions.
- Forwarded Balance Processed - A carried-over agent balance was deducted from the commission earned in a locked Agent Statement Date.
Origination Date
You can use the ‘Origination Date’ to help identify when an agent first started carrying a balance. Run the report across ALL locked Agent Statement Dates to find the date when the agent first started carrying a balance. You could then use this date as a reference point for the Agent Balances report.
How to combine this report with Agent Statements (CSV Statements Only)
Delete all line items with statuses of 'Forwarded' from the spreadsheet because those items are reflecting balance carryovers. The remaining line items should have a status of either 'Processed' or ‘Forwarded Balance Processed'.
Filtering the data
If you have a lot of data, it could take AMS+ a little time to export your commission data. To narrow your report results and improve the report download speeds, use any of the following filters:
- Agent Statement Date Range - This filter narrows the report results to include adjustment data for the specified date or date range.
- Agency - This filter narrows the report results to include adjustment data for Agents that are associated with the specified Agency only.
- Agent Payee - This filter narrows the report results to include adjustment data for the specified Agent only.
- Agent Status - This filter narrows the report results to include adjustment data for Agents that have the selected Agent Status(es).